Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day #1

I didn't know I was going to start my running adventure today. If I had I would have probably talked myself out of it or would have worried about how I was going to do.

Andrew made the call that today was the day. He decided that 6:30am seemed like a great time to wake up so I changed his diaper, put him in our single BOB, grabbed my earbuds, iPod and off we went. I wasn't even sure how to do it. I did a walking warm up lap around the block and then started running. Listening to "Lets Get This Party Started". Random, but a perfect song for my first time hitting the pavement. Andrew played with his rattles while I ran and ran. I kept saying just make it to the next block, the next driveway, the next whatever. Small, simple little goals that I knew I could accomplish. I'm pretty competitive so goals like that work for me. I made it to the street after the bridge in our neighborhood and felt really good about myself.

What I found out while running was I had time to think. Time to get my head straight for the day. Time with just Andrew and me. Time to be while getting something done which is what really makes me happy. We saw deer, other friendly neighbors and tiny dogs. It was in fact the perfect way to start my morning.

We were gone a total of 30 minutes. Some walking and running. As for distance, I'm not really sure how far I ran. I'll try to measure it at some point. Next run is Monday morning with a kid(s) or not I'll be out there!

Happy Running!

Here We Go!

Let me start by saying it right up front. I. HATE. RUNNING. Like seriously could think of a thousand things I like to do more then the r word. I like to swim. I think I would like to bike. I LOVE to ski and hike. Running is something I've never been fond of. BUT I have a neighbor, Megan, who casually brought up to my other neighbor friend, Marcie, a half marathon that is taking place in San Antonio in November. We don't even live in San Antonio.

Marcie and Megan completed a TRIATHALON just a week ago! I know pretty darn amazing seeing as how they each have two boys, husbands and well full time jobs in and out of the home. I listened and then went home and thought about this half marathon thing. I know its tough because I've watched my mom train and run a marathon. I've watched my dad run numerous marathons with bloody nipples and black toe nails. I like being a cheerleader with my poster board sign. Something inside me is saying this is the year. The first year of your 30's. Do it now! Before I could stop myself I told Megan I was going to do it. YIKES! She is the type of friend that will hold you to it so I knew I must be serious if I said this out loud to her.

Now when to find the time. I, too, am a full time mommy and wife. I have an amazing husband, Chris, who is my match. I have two phenomenal kids, Grace and Andrew. Grace is a 3 year old who is hilarious, gorgeous, chatty, princess loving, smart, sweet as pie little girl. Andrew is just about 6 months old. He is a silly, outdoor loving, squealing little guy. These two along with my marriage to Chris are my biggest accomplishments ever. Nothing can hold a candle to what I have with them. Not even this half marathon business. This undertaking is just for me.

Follow me and hold me to it guys! Join me even! Dust off your running shoes or go out like I did and buy some cute pink ones. Even though its running I still need my stuff to look cute. You can't take that out of me. For me its about accomplishing a personal goal. Not about losing weight or toning it up. Its about checking something off this life list. Maybe even finding that running and I are meant to be. Not likely but I'll give it a chance.

A fun little idea. If you want to join me on this half marathon mama journey we could girl it up. You know make cute hot pink Half Marathon Mama shirts or Mamas on the Run shirts.  Come up with super fun play lists to run to. Run with each other even if we don't live nearby. How? Send each other a text when we're up and walking out the door. I'm headed out running are you? Meet up in San Antonio in November for our big run and then head out for celebratory pink drinks :).

Here. We. GO.